Authentic Chinese Martial Arts

We teach several traditional systems of Chinese Martial Arts; Northern Praying Mantis, Northern Shaolin, MiZong LuoHan Quan, Jing Wu Men, Bajiquan, Piguazhang, Baguazhang, Xing Yi Quan and Yang Family Taijiquan (Tai Chi). We are fortunate to be able to offer the complete systems including two-person training, weapons training, Qi development training, Taiji (Tai Chi) pushing hands and Taiji martial applications.

  • PRACTICAL SELF DEFENSEReal World Applications
  • NORTHERN PRAYING MANTISEight Step, Seven Star, Six Harmony
  • NORTHERN SHAOLIN FISTLong Fist, MizongLuohan
  • YANG FAMILY TAI CHIShort Form, Long Form, Qigong